4-andro test base. 1 andro and 1ad do the opposite of a test base and that's. 4-andro test base

<code> 1 andro and 1ad do the opposite of a test base and that's</code>4-andro test base  ago

Choose an option 4-Andro Capsules 4-Andro Liquid 4-Andro Tablets. Helps prevent side effects. Haha guessing that's a hard no then? Its $100 for less than two weeks worth at 300mg which is the minimum you have to take for it to even be somewhat effective. Dandelion extract. Another option is run enclomiphene low dose alongside sarms to mitigate suppression and boost natural testosterone production. The logical approach would be to run 4-ad as a test base and 1-andro as your anabolic compound. 26. I heard topical dhea like dermacrine is good for lethargy. In my opinion 4 weeks is too short. . Those would work just as well for cutting with a favorable risk/reward profile and if you buy 50mg tabs a shit ton cheaper. 100% agreed. Ok-Dot-4835. Pretty simple stuff. Russo talks about the difference between a testosterone base and an androgen base, especially if you're a bodybuilder who is just dipping their toes in the w. In most cases, it is best to take 4-Andro from 6 to 8 weeks at a time and then take a break for the same period of time, as well as get proper post-cycle therapy. I’m just really hoping it’s a solid product. Will dose the 4-andro at 4 pumps a day, so it should last 25 days (I think). I found 4-Andro worked well. This thread is archived. Andro-4D is also known as 4-androstenolone or 4-AD, which is the body’s most potent endogenous androgen. Feb 6, 2016. Apply in areas with the least amount of bodyfat; traps, delts, arms, quads, and lats. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Rad-140 actually is known to cause extreme lethargy after 3-4 weeks of use. Just use the 4 andro with the Ostarine or Rad 140 as a base and enclomiphene for pct. You must take 4 andro because it’s what converts into test/estrogen. What it does is help prevent Test from dropping in response to cortisol after intense training. 4 Andro would also convert to test, and will convert to estrogen as well. You want to see some conversion to estrogen so you don't feel like crap. The point of a test base is to keep your test from crashing and your e2 from crashing because sarms don't aromatize into estro. Again, wanting to use as a test base. This is the reason that 4 andro is not really a great bulker (compared to something like real test). Go 4 andro, don’t use a post protocol as a base. 🧿 FULL SOURCE-LIST 🚨 ⇝ 🌟 ☽. Apr 18, 2019. What do you prefer as a base. 00 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings. I now have the opportunity to get some real test for the mix. 4-ad is a one step as opposed to 4-andro that’s 2 step. it's much more efficient. Right now I’m planning on running 4 Andro and 19 Nor for 6 weeks. Bro. Repair of the torn pec is. deeznutsboi said: Trest all day. I'd go with real test tbh. New. Should be relatively easy to come up with ratios of conversion of both from those numbers. Reply. ago. I’m looking for an oral test base to run during a Rad140 cycle. Dude mutated . Get Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Androdiol and double dose it. If your not on TRT it is just something to supply the minimum hormones while your suppressed. 76% to test and 4-andro is around 5%. Anabolics. Op · 22d. Hi tech pharms has superdol which is 1,4 andro but u want to take a higher dosage than they recommend to see results. Pct- D-aspartic acid, Arimistane, and Novedex XT by Hi-Tech pharmaceuticals. However, 4-Andro is a compound that converts to testosterone and is primarily used as a test base for for those avoiding testosterone injections during 1-Andro cycles or any other suppressive chemical like RAD140, LGD-4033, or S-23. . Arimiplex is a shit PCT, you should use a serm not an AI. When I did the oral R-andro log, I was benching in the 300+ realm quite regularly. #1 Hello i am 35 y old boy 1,83 m 86 kg 12 % bf 128 3*8 bench press i ran 1 andro rx and 4 andro iron mag labs in stack. In fact, this is already a Test cycle, and SARMs in this case is like a replacement for oral steroids. 4-andro is the best prohormone supplement out there. and yeah the gains with sarms with a test base blow non test base sarm cycles out the water Reply reply [deleted] • I dont use it post cycle though because I'm not sure if it interferes with. I asked here recently about test base without syringes (as they're highly illegal to possess in my country) and got some good advice re: test cream. It barely converts to test and it's just going to shut you down further. In vivo 4-androstene-3,17-dione and 4-androstene-3 beta,17 beta-diol supplementation in young men. I'd go with real test tbh. If you are going to take a ‘test base’ why not get andro test from predator - better conversion rate to test. I had done a baby cycle with 1-andro and alpha af but as you can imagine it did nothing so I count this as my first legit cycle. ANDRO OVERVIEWWHAT IS 4 ANDRO?4-Andro also referred to as 4-DHEA is an isomer of DHEA. The difference between 4-Andro and 1-Andro is that 1-Andro is a dry bulking agent that helps to produce lean muscle gains with little to no water retention. So in the past i have been critical of 4 andro as a viable test base because of the liver toxicity and low conversion rate to actual test requiring large doses multiple times daily. 10-12 hours later, take 1 tablet of 4-ANDRO on an empty stomach. There is a only a very well known pct website in Europe( I am not. e replace natural levels) while 1-andro does the work. I'll most likely stick to primarily sarms and run a ph/as cycle once a year or so. So you will either start the next day at the time you wake up in the morning or before bed. It is a. I'm about to start a trest run here soon for my base. . Hello guys, i would like have an opinion of wich one of this stack would be more effective for fat loss, about 3/4% bf drop without any muscle loss. Detoxifies Your Body. 25-50mg is nothing. 3. But I guess there’s one way to find out! I’ll have nolva for pct and an AI on hand too, just incase. 0. 🧿 FULL SOURCE-LIST 🚨 ⇝ 🌟 ☽. 1-ad converts into 1-testosterone. mr_sarmsman 2 yr. 2. I know at a minimum I'd want a test booster or something to help with PCT and I'll research that stuff later (before I purchase anything) but for now, just want to determine what, if anything, I'd want to take from the above. Skinny_gains New member. Which is a good thing. The fusion product probably contains at least 25mg of ph. Hi tech pharms has superdol which is 1,4 andro but u want to take a higher dosage than they recommend to see results. Imas far as source I will link our 4-andro and epiandro products below for you. rad140 is a dry compound so you could add 4-andro or dermacrine for some aswell or you might get dry joints or low E sides. Worked great as a base for an epi cycle, was running epi solo for a few days to get a feel for it and experience dry joints almost immediately. With the 4 Andro in the mix don’t mess around with useless otc test boosters. . 100 seems a little high if your only. Earn 30 - 108 points upon purchasing this product. Tamoxifen 5mg ED would be more than enough for most SARM cycles. #3. The recommended dosage of four andro is between 50-100mg per day for a cycle lasting four to six weeks, followed by a break or "post-cycle therapy" period. 4 andro as the base. But it’s not going to make meaningful changes in the context of increasing gains. Rated 5. bradleyt1 Active member. Planning on doing 4 andro as a test base for that time,or will with them combined the supression be way more than tbol only. Being mid 40's I thought my bloods would be all over the place. Every time i see the word “4-andro” it makes me wanna throw up. I've thought about this too . I had to test doses from 2 pumps up to 5 pumps. And if you factor in all of the amazing benefits, especially added protein synthesis, increased strength, and improved recovery, you know it’s definitely worth cycling on a regular basis. I’m trying 4 andro as a base, and tamoxifen as my pct. This thread is archived. clostebol), and stacking with eradicate for some otc AI support. your body will not convert 4 andro if it doesn't need test. I ordered 4 andro cream as a test base to just see how much size I could put on with 2 pumps a day, paired with Finasteride ofc so I don’t become John travolta. It will drive your Test levels way down. Answer: Implement a testosterone base. 4-Andro is another oral alternative to testosterone injections. Would a 4-andro / yk11 stack be decent alternative? This thread is archived. 30mg DMZ and 440mg 4 Andro for 5 weeks. The second one is more easy to find but I'm having hard time finding 4-andro. Test base = testosterone injections, not shitty 4 andro, or what ever over priced shitty oral steroid you get because you are afraid to inject and would rather use a shitty pro-hormone and call it a test base. Dosage: 10-20mg ED for 8 weeks. ago You would have to take a lot of it to convert to a tiny bit of test and 4 Andro can raise your estrogen it's not worth it. 4-andro is basically as a base (I. Don't take no estrogen blocker, that would be stupid. Just my 2 cents, 25mg should be the max dose of Ostarine you use without shutting yourself down. 15. on 4 andro from Olympus labs it went up to 900-1050. They will add to it. Meanwhile, the recommended dosage from suppliers like Behemoth Labz is 75mg per day. 0. 199. U only want to run that 5 weeks so yea start with the lgd and week 4 add the. yup epiandro is supposed to work against on cycle lethargy, so it would have the same purpouse as a test base. An AI is going to systemically lower what little estrogen you have left after being suppressed. If it is, I'm gonna buy another bottle and do six weeks msten at. Any sarm can be ran without a test base. What are your experiences using 4 andro as a test base during a sarm cycle? Will using just 4 andro as a test base be enough to get rid of the lethargy and libido issues of suppression? Archived post. it will take a multi-step pathway to convert to testosterone in your body. Datmetaldrummer95 • 4 yr. 4 andro: 330 mg/ed. It is best to split the dose into two equal parts. But, if you insist on andro test base use epi andro. So in the past i have been critical of 4 andro as a viable test base because of the liver toxicity and low conversion rate to actual test requiring large doses. Side note: 1-andro and Epiandro are mildly suppressive and won't shut you down completely as would other more harsh compounds in the AAS world. Just finished purchasing everything. Or sup3r dhea from primeval labs but i heard its super liquidy. I recommend a test base because me personaly dropped my test levels to 150 so i added the test in then. . This prevents possible lethargy and reduced sex drive which can be induced by other prohormones. Ostarine barely suppressed my test but really suppressed my shbg so I had high estrogen sides on it. I have the bottles of product on hand but I'm not in a big rush to run it. Thanks. I’ve ran test with sarms and seen great results from it. It would seem that 4-andro is the only PH that converts to actual test but some of it will convert to estrone before it becomes test, and than the test may get aromatized as well so it's more estrogenic than running just test. 4-Andro and 7-Keto dhea source. 4 Andro will suppress your natural testosterone production requiring a pct. I’ve found one source for 4ad but it’s expensive at the quantity needed. Reactions: LeanEngineer. Andro the giant is okay for 4 andro test base (110 mg per cap) I would go with 4 andro cream from IML personally. If you do not include a test base, you are shorting your potential strength, and lean mass gain. Oggi faremo un confronto tra il 4-andro e il dhea. Do NOT run 1 Andro with Ostarine/Rad 140 or use Ostarine with rad 140 that is just stupid. Thread starter wfreiling; Start date Feb 26, 2020; wfreiling Well-known member. Andro the Giant is a giant value and a strong holder of the number 2 spot year after year. Dermacrine test base: 5 pumps per day for individuals who are 200+ lbs. Fusion Supplements sells cyclodextrin 4-ADiol product in the UK with 125 mg / pill and the minimun dose is regarded to be 3 pills a day. Should be a real fun ride! Andro the giant is only 75 a bottle. Normally the dose would be 100-150mg per day but some go up to 330mg per day of 4-andro. In this example, I’ve used Enclomiphene, but you could also use 4-Andro as a test base followed by a double SERM PCT for four weeks. 10mg lgd + 15mg rad mid cycle bloodwork, test was at 274 ng/dl, also taking fish oil and nac. But it’s not going to make. CosmicFlow111 • 3 yr. Which his 4 Andro if dosed properly will do just that and effectively be an oral test base. What is 4-Andro. nelradi New member. So you will either start the next day at the time you wake up in the morning or before bed. I even had a post from 2019 debating the idea of using 4-Andro long-run as an oral test base, but this isn't viable. Stano-plex is a good option. I've been reading many confusing subs so im not sure anymore. Andro giant is my go to and has been for the past year. You can start at week 2-3 and keep using it even a week or two after the cycle as a mini PCT. It's not going to be the same as pinning test, but it's good stuff. There are no human trials so I based this off the only reported half life, approximately 12 hours, which was in rats. We recommend you to take 200 to 400 mg of 4-Andro daily during your prohormone cycle. 4andro is so expensive running it for a week as a estro base costs the same as like a 16 week test cycle. It is best to split the dose into two equal parts. 4 andro or dermacrine? Don’t say use test, I can also get that. Don’t feel much different but I’ve probably put on around 7lbs mostly water. I would run a test base if I were you cause the suppression will be strong. 5 pumps gave me too much estrogen. Iconic formulations brought back dermacrine for now. Popular (non injectable) Test Bases. #8. Mar 23, 2016. Thanks all! Depends on what your taking and how it. You’re already suppressed/shutdown, just finish the cycle and run your pct. ♦️TRY MORE IRONMAG LABS. If you want to high dose LGD and mitigate the effects of suppression, the 4 andro would come in handy. You don't need the 1 andro though, the point of a base is for the estrogen conversion, the sarm replaces the test. #11. Around 300mg of 4-Andro is the perfect dose for me for most cycles (including an Epi cycle I ran a while back). Eur J Appl Physiol 2000;81:229-232. My goal is to keep my gainz while my natural test returns: Tomixifin daily for 5 weeks at 40/20/10/10. 2. But 1 andro is a good beginner compound. During Weeks 1-4 ~ 1-Andro Rx™ 2 capsules per day (1 cap AM & 1 cap PM) During Weeks 1-8 ~ Advanced Cycle Support Rx™ - 2 capsules per day (organ and. Meant to say 4-andro I edit the word thanksI started adding in Sup3R 4 as a test base for my Ostarine cycle, because I was getting lethargic. I've tried it successfully with dosages of up to 20mg LGD or 25mg RAD. Running at base doses you should be okay though. 3 max. Help with the water retention form the. Does one capsule has 125mg active ingredient (Cyclo-4-ADiol) or how much 4ad at the end does one capsule has? Is cyclo 4-adiol 4ad or is it a pre substance of it,when yes how much real active 4ad is in one capsule. I did a 12 week RAD cycle and used a SERM and 4-andro as a base and had an amazing cycle other than the fucking awful hair loss. Even had a little water retention from it. Also, for a test base I used oral DHEA, 25-50mg per day. I decided to go with the AMS Anabolic Growth Kit due to the fact that it had really good reviews. Hi OP, androtest as a test base to an Epistane cycle should be solid. The base depends on your cycle as well. As far as PCT I would run nolva 20/20/10/10 and if you would like you could throw in a test booster or OTC PCT of your choice. U only want to run that 5 weeks so yea start with the lgd and week 4 add the andro in Ehh I believe it's fine dependant on dose and topical vs oral. ZachH said: This isn't a test base. Or you could use estrodiol to keep you estro in order. #4. And I think 1 pump per day for a week comes out to around 110mg test per week. I’m looking to run the same cycle in a few months. Any product that can be used as a test base will increase libido. This WILL NOT convert to estro, period. Home. Sam stack said: For six weeks you probably don’t need a test base. Apr 26, 2016 #2Doing 8 week run, 4 week pct. I can assure this does convert to testosterone and can feel the effects gym aggression, strength gains, vascularity. Starting my RAD-140 10mg/ml stack with MK-677 12. 4-Andro is wet and has potential for estrogen conversion, but you'll also likely have the most muscle gain with this. Trest is very potent and may add a host of sides. Awards. 4 Andro as a test base? I've heard some conflicting anecdotes in regards to people using 4 Andro as a test base while on a compound like RAD or LGD. Adding a Test Base would really help with the notorious LGD lethargy. Prohormones. Done andro bulking stack 3 months ago, amazing results, but just dont wanna take ph again, once was enough. 4-andro and lgd-4033 cycle. e replace natural levels) while 1-andro does the work. " These chemicals are changed by the body to other "muscle-building" hormones such as testosterone. #13. It’s a DHEA derivative that converts to Test when in the body (Hence why some have tried it, including myself, as a bit of an oral test base). Supports Testosterone Levels†. It’s taken for the conversion to estrogen which also tanks on sarms. Meaning it is bonded on carbon 1 instead of carbon 4. rad140+dermacrine+epiandro or. Thanks for the response. or 4 payments of $20. Before starting trt I wanted to try something that was less drastic than a life of pinning twice a week. Ehh I believe it's fine dependant on dose and topical vs oral. Week 5 - 20mg Ostarine. *strong supplement shop rep*. The reason for the test base is not necessarily for the testosterone. . You might get a 20% conversion to test if you’re lucky. Helps Strength & Power†. Curious if anyone has used Iron Mag Labs Super 4-Andro Cream as a test base before? Archived post. 4 andro converts to real test Reply More posts from r/SARMs. 4-androsterone converts to 4-androstenediol and 4-androstenedione. But because its an exogeneous supplementation of testosterone, it will shut down your. subscribers . Looking for a test base to curb lethargy with SD. in my opinion you need a test base for this. I was sent 2 bottles of 4-Andro, and will be dosing the product at 2 caps a day (100mg of 4-Andro) as directed for a total of 60. Have a good run! jwinak82 Member. I know 4-Andro is also a popular Test Base but the possible estro conversion is offputting for some. a big pct is often required. But people who use 4-Andro are using it as a Test base, so they are already going to be suppressed from the use of other compounds, and rarely do oral-only cycles reach 12-weeks in length. You can take Tamoxifen or Enclomiphene to prevent suppression. It is DHT based and DHT lowers estrogen/prevents it binding etc. This prevents possible lethargy and reduced sex drive which can be induced by other prohormones. Not increasing current test dose. The Andro Project: Physiological and hormonal influences of androstenedione supplementation in men 35 to 65 years old participating in a high-intensity resistance. It can be stacked with Ephedra, Epi-andro, Epistane, 19 nor andro etc. Yes, 4-Andro is technically considered a pro hormone. 3. 4 andro and blood drops are your only oral options man. You will feel horrible on cycle once this happens. this is a 2-3. Trest maybe if you have experience but you don't seem like you have used anabolics that much. so 4-andro at 330 a day ends up roughly 115mg test a week (trt dose). But a "test base" can be test, 4-andro, epiandro, DHEA, etc etc. So that why you would have to take alot of it to get anything out of it, but its very estrogenic at really high doses. 1. 4. Rad is not a test base. Forums. Waste of money imo. Planning on doing 4 andro as a test base for that time,or will with them combined the supression be way more than tbol only. So your takin the prohormone to the prohormone of test. Ingredients: Serving Size: 1 Capsule Servings per Container: 60 4-androstene 3b-ol, 17-one 50mg * 6,7-dihydroxybergamottin 15mg * Piperine (Black Pepper extract) 5mg * *thinking about adding. It uses Rapid Dissolve "Effervescent" Absorption(RDE). NOOO it’s not test it’s 1-test it can’t be used as a base. This reduces the side effects of SARM's, PH's and AAS's such as lethargy and loss of libido. . chedapalooza said: Each patch has 20mg test. Some popular SARMs you can stack with include: RAD 140 (Testolone) LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) S23; YK11; Stack 4-Andro with other Prohormones: To achieve even greater gains, consider using 4-Andro alongside other popular prohormones. My other option was to just run 1-andro and 4andro but I wanted more gains since I’m risking it anyways. Feedback from its users show rapid gains in mass, muscle density, strength, and libido. . Premium Explore. (Developed an allergy. Yeah I have no idea how to even get real aas. . Week 6 - 20mg Ostarine / 12. It's become a quite encompassing term and has also seemed to be billed and sold as a "must have," which it isn't always. A ridiculous dose of 4 andro is no worse than a shot of test other than the wallet hurting. in my opinion you need a test base for this. 1 andro at higher doses can cause lethargy and a lack of libido, but the 4 andro acts more as a test base and fights these side effects. Just what I heard though, not vouching for it but interested in what people have to say. I can start my next cycle in 6 weeks and am thinking about options. The idea being that they will be your testosterone whilst your body isn't producing much, if any, of it's own. Epiandro converts to DHT which is somewhat anti estrogenic because DHT competes with estrogen at the receptor. Eddeb2013. Appreciate the Clarification . Until I can find a good TRT doc the plan is to attempt TD Trest as my base. Hi, first i know test injections would be better but i am realy needle phobic and First decided to take 4 Andro at 200mg day wich would convert to a total of about 210 test per week. #2. 0 2 cap per day AM-PM 1-4week IML 4-Andro (Test Base) 2 cap per day AM-PM 1-4week PCT: OL Sup3r PCT 2 cap per day, AM-PM 5-8week along with EA Clomiphene Citrate 33mg/ml x 30 ML (Clomid) 50/50/25/25 once a day at AM. Conclusion. 4-Androsterone is a type of chemical known as a "prohormone. Yeah I think it all depends on your AAS history, if you’ve used a lot I think using just a cream would be underwhelming. In your personal experience, we’re you utilizing 4-Andro in high dosages (say 300 - 400mg) daily as a test base upon which to add either Android or SARMS? I think a large misconception about 4-Andro comes from the fact that it’s advertised as such a bulking hormone, with water weight accrual being almost certain, that people generally tend. “Andro the Giant is by far the best 4 andro supplement. Is 4 Andro A Reasonable Starting Point for Testing? 4-Andro is an excellent stand-alone product as well as an essential component of all cycles. 🌟 #sarms #steroids #dangers FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM : ⇝ @russolifts : 16 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A ferdumorze • 1 yr. ago. Popular (non injectable) Test Bases. 4 Andro converts through a 2 step process to testosterone. Only 4 andro or test Edit: to answer your questions, keep taking the DHEA throughout your cycle, even after if you want, but DHEA will not be strong enough on its own to recover your test if its needed. Running it with a "base" compound is a much better idea. Looking at trying Anavar for a recomp in a couple of months. So, it's helpful, but it's not exactly functioning as a Test base alongside your other goodies. 4-Andro (converts into testosterone) - Primarily used as a test base and stacked with other compounds for more optimized results. Nov 4, 2021. Which is actually beneficial to gainz/combating lethargy. I think I bought some RC Cialis at the time to help out. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic Forum Anti-Aging Forum. 4-Andro is an excellent stand-alone product as well as an essential component of all cycles. Menu. 26 comments. Strong product, I highly recommend!”-Christopher O. Tamoxifen 5mg ED would be more than enough for most SARM cycles. And if ur gonna shut yourself down, you might as well use actual gear or test. ago. someone who is handy with injecting test, just could inject more test and forget about sarms. It personally was my favorite sarm cycle. I’m on day 3 today of just the 1-Andro, and will be adding in epi-andro for the remaining 6 weeks. Cycle Logs. I got the 4-andro from first Rat's Army and then IronMag Labs. Thanks for the answer and I am fully aware the main purpose of a test base or e2 base is for the e2 conversion but I was looking for something that would give a boost in the gym, ( a bigger boost than 4 andro ) as I am planning to gain as much mass as possible with a 5-8 week long cycle ( depending on the compounds I end up choosing currently the cycle. Any product that can NOT be used as a test base will DEACREASE libido. So let me. That being said, You could use 4-andro or another prohormone as a test base or use a. I promise you, pinning isn't very hard or scary, especially for the small dose you need as a base. I'm about to start a trest run here soon for my base. 4 Andro as a Test Base . PM me. Adding in Andros to a cycle will not stop shutdown. I know there is a lot of speculation as to the efficacy of DHEA when taken orally. Enclo makes the libido and T skyrocket. Both ran for 8 weeks. Only taking 4-Andro is like taking low dosages of testosterone because it has such a low conversion rate (like say you’re taking 100mg a day, only about 10% actually ends up as testosterone in your system, so it would be. Yes. You CAN run them at full doses, but if your referring to this guide, your not ready. I never used 4-andro, but I know that it does convert to test which will raise my estrogen levels. 4-andro is basically as a base (I. However if you plan to run 5 to 8 mg per day for 8 weeks, it may not be worthwhile to take the 300 mg of 4 andro. 1. I grew up during the prohormone time when it was otc. 3 Western_Letterhead68 • 2 yr. Haha guessing that's a hard no then? Its $100 for less than two weeks worth at 300mg which is the minimum. 10-12 hours later, take 1 tablet of 4-ANDRO on an empty stomach. Similar to Super Mandro, Andro the Giant offers up to 330%. No my plan is to go on cycle while out of. #5. 1. ago The only good test base is actual testosterone. It says to take 150mg a day so take 300mg a day. in trt. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Then. Ideally, you do not want to eat for 30-60 minutes, but 30 minutes is sufficient. I can tell you most of us didn't take any test base just worked out hard and had a solid pct. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A PopBottlesPopHollows •. Felt like a beast and didn’t have any notable sides.